Today’s Liturgy Today we find Jesus at Caesarea Philippi, a city built near the source of the river Jordan by the tetrarch Herod Philip (a son of Herod the Great). In this pagan district where Jesus is away from the malicious intrigues of the Pharisees he can discuss freely with his disciples his identity and mission. Time is getting short and Jesus is forcing his disciples to commit to belief or not in him. ‘Who do people say I am?’ Opinions correspond to the rumours in Herod’s court, John Baptist, Elijah or one of the prophets. Some abandoned the idea Jesus was the Messiah because he didn’t show himself as the expected conquering Messiah. On the contrary we hear the first of 3 prophecies in Mark’s Gospel about Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection. Jesus would be a suffering Messiah who would bear the insults described by Isaiah. Peter couldn’t get his head round this and began to remonstrate which earned Jesus’ rebuke. Today we hear Peter’s profession of faith. ‘You are the Christ’. The paradox is that Jesus declared that if the disciples or ourselves choose to follow him, we must renounce our own interests and take up our own Cross. If we want to find life we must be prepared to lose it, as he did. Our love for God is shown by the way we accept suffering. Make us walk in the presence of the Lord and serve him.
Pope Francis on the Season of Creation The life of a Christian is one of faith, active in charity and abounding in hope. Faith is a gift, the fruit of the Spirit’s presence in us, but it is a task to be undertaken freely, in obedience to Jesus’ command to love. How are we to bear that witness? By caring for suffering humanity. We must be impelled by a desire for love, fraternity, friendship and justice for all. Mother earth is meant to be a place of joy and a promise of happiness for all.
Do you want to become a Catholic or just know more about the Faith? The next Journey in Faith course will start on Monday 7 October in the Parish Centre at 7.30pm. For further information contact John Lally 07970 621 673 or email: [email protected]
Want to return to the Church? “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you”. (St Augustine of Hippo). The Journey in Faith is not just for those who want to become Catholics. It eases the way for those wanting to return by getting to know parishioners who will welcome you, as well as giving the opportunity to rethink and learn more about the Faith. Contact John Lally on the details given above.
Justice and Peace Group meet Tuesday 17 September 7.30pm in the Centre. New members especially welcome.
Sacramental Preparation If your child doesn’t go to a Catholic School and needs preparation for the Sacraments of 1st Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion please contact Teresa Kehoe, our Parish Catechist, and send her a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate by 18 September to register for the 2025 programme. If your child is ready for the Sacrament of Confirmation, regardless of being in a Catholic School or not, please email Teresa to register and receive details of 2025 programme. Email: [email protected]
Aid to the Church in Need This month Teresa Kehoe will be sleeping out in Scotland as a fundraiser for young people and children living in displaced persons’ ACN camps due to persecution and war. If you can support by sponsoring, Teresa promises to battle the winds of Scottish weather cheerfully. To sponsor Teresa click on the following link: See the video here (click) to understand what Teresa is raising money for.
Intercultural Mass last week was a huge success. It was a unifying event and a real coming together of all nationalities in our Parish. The company was delightful and the food delicious. Sincere thanks to all who orchestrated everything. Particular thanks to Natasha Esparon, Gemma Billig, Teresa Kehoe, Rosina Rutter, Sonya Thomas, Mgr Danny McHugh and the person who initiated the idea, Fr Thomas. Not to be forgotten, those who tidied up afterwards. Thank you, everyone. Photos and videos are here (click) on this website
Sanctuary Lamp If you would like it to burn for a particular intention, please, write it down put it in an envelope with a £10 donation and place it in the 200 Club Box. This week the lamp burns for Filomena Johnstone (8th Anniversary).
New Hymn Books have come into operation. Our thanks to our organists Julian and Margaret who chose them. They offer a wider variety of hymns. The total cost was £1,106.42. Very grateful thanks to the kind parishioners who donated £886.65 and to Julian who negotiated a 10% discount, leaving the Parish to pay £219.77. Thank you to all who helped acquire them. Please treat them with care. Thank you.
2nd Collection next week for Catholic Evangelisation (Home Missions)
Church Cleaners 21 September, Team 2 Please and thank you.
200 Club Week 1032 £100 win for Kathleen Denley (No 57)
Sick Lord, hear the prayers of your servants who are sick. Fill the lives of the sick with the warmth of your love: Pope Francis, Mgr Graham, Fr Tony Rohan, all those in hospitals, Care Homes, Hospices and the housebound. The Lord is coming to my help. Strengthen and support all who love and care for the sick. Creator God, hear our prayer.
Deceased May all who have died merit to be co-heirs in heaven. Welcome those whose anniversaries occur this week: Fr Clement Haskew(1929), Parish Priest at St Peter’s 1904-1929, Margaret Brookes(1986), Marcello Elilio(1990), Peter Hall(1992), Harold Smith(1992), Jessie Sabbato(1994), Patrick Carolan(1997), Iris Hinckley(2007), Pat Jones(2009), Owen Phillips(2009), Teresa Shirley(2010), Audrey O’Carroll (2015), Patricia Cassidy(2021) and Mark McCaully (2023). Remember all those killed in the horrors of the wars taking place. Lord, by rising from the dead he gave us eternal life. May all who have died live with you for ever. Amen.
Pope Francis on the Season of Creation The life of a Christian is one of faith, active in charity and abounding in hope. Faith is a gift, the fruit of the Spirit’s presence in us, but it is a task to be undertaken freely, in obedience to Jesus’ command to love. How are we to bear that witness? By caring for suffering humanity. We must be impelled by a desire for love, fraternity, friendship and justice for all. Mother earth is meant to be a place of joy and a promise of happiness for all.
Do you want to become a Catholic or just know more about the Faith? The next Journey in Faith course will start on Monday 7 October in the Parish Centre at 7.30pm. For further information contact John Lally 07970 621 673 or email: [email protected]
Want to return to the Church? “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you”. (St Augustine of Hippo). The Journey in Faith is not just for those who want to become Catholics. It eases the way for those wanting to return by getting to know parishioners who will welcome you, as well as giving the opportunity to rethink and learn more about the Faith. Contact John Lally on the details given above.
Justice and Peace Group meet Tuesday 17 September 7.30pm in the Centre. New members especially welcome.
Sacramental Preparation If your child doesn’t go to a Catholic School and needs preparation for the Sacraments of 1st Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion please contact Teresa Kehoe, our Parish Catechist, and send her a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate by 18 September to register for the 2025 programme. If your child is ready for the Sacrament of Confirmation, regardless of being in a Catholic School or not, please email Teresa to register and receive details of 2025 programme. Email: [email protected]
Aid to the Church in Need This month Teresa Kehoe will be sleeping out in Scotland as a fundraiser for young people and children living in displaced persons’ ACN camps due to persecution and war. If you can support by sponsoring, Teresa promises to battle the winds of Scottish weather cheerfully. To sponsor Teresa click on the following link: See the video here (click) to understand what Teresa is raising money for.
Intercultural Mass last week was a huge success. It was a unifying event and a real coming together of all nationalities in our Parish. The company was delightful and the food delicious. Sincere thanks to all who orchestrated everything. Particular thanks to Natasha Esparon, Gemma Billig, Teresa Kehoe, Rosina Rutter, Sonya Thomas, Mgr Danny McHugh and the person who initiated the idea, Fr Thomas. Not to be forgotten, those who tidied up afterwards. Thank you, everyone. Photos and videos are here (click) on this website
Sanctuary Lamp If you would like it to burn for a particular intention, please, write it down put it in an envelope with a £10 donation and place it in the 200 Club Box. This week the lamp burns for Filomena Johnstone (8th Anniversary).
New Hymn Books have come into operation. Our thanks to our organists Julian and Margaret who chose them. They offer a wider variety of hymns. The total cost was £1,106.42. Very grateful thanks to the kind parishioners who donated £886.65 and to Julian who negotiated a 10% discount, leaving the Parish to pay £219.77. Thank you to all who helped acquire them. Please treat them with care. Thank you.
2nd Collection next week for Catholic Evangelisation (Home Missions)
Church Cleaners 21 September, Team 2 Please and thank you.
200 Club Week 1032 £100 win for Kathleen Denley (No 57)
Sick Lord, hear the prayers of your servants who are sick. Fill the lives of the sick with the warmth of your love: Pope Francis, Mgr Graham, Fr Tony Rohan, all those in hospitals, Care Homes, Hospices and the housebound. The Lord is coming to my help. Strengthen and support all who love and care for the sick. Creator God, hear our prayer.
Deceased May all who have died merit to be co-heirs in heaven. Welcome those whose anniversaries occur this week: Fr Clement Haskew(1929), Parish Priest at St Peter’s 1904-1929, Margaret Brookes(1986), Marcello Elilio(1990), Peter Hall(1992), Harold Smith(1992), Jessie Sabbato(1994), Patrick Carolan(1997), Iris Hinckley(2007), Pat Jones(2009), Owen Phillips(2009), Teresa Shirley(2010), Audrey O’Carroll (2015), Patricia Cassidy(2021) and Mark McCaully (2023). Remember all those killed in the horrors of the wars taking place. Lord, by rising from the dead he gave us eternal life. May all who have died live with you for ever. Amen.